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The unexpected always seems to happen.
Protect what you can't prevent.

With the Aspire® Protect Credit Card, enjoy all Aspire® Credit Card benefits, such as zero fraud liability and free credit score, in addition to these protection benefits:

Cell Phone Protection

Roadside Assistance

Identity Theft Resolution Services

Identity Theft Reimbursement Coverage

Cell Phone Protection

Roadside Assistance

Identity Theft Resolution Services

Identity Theft Reimbursement Coverage

Featured Card Benefits Include1

Cellular Telephone Protection2

Receive up to $800 toward cell phone replacement or repair costs if your cell phone is stolen or damaged in the U.S. or abroad. $50 deductible applies. Up to two claims and a maximum of $1,000 per eligible account per twelve-month period. Covers one (1) phone on cell phone bill.

Roadside Assistance2

24-hour coverage for roadside assistance services including vehicle towing, fuel/oil/fluid/water delivery, and battery/lock-out/tire assistance up to $100 per occurrence. Up to 2 occurrences per twelve month period.

Fully Managed Identity
Theft Resolution Services2

Should you become a victim, a dedicated fraud specialist will be assigned to manage your case and will work on your behalf with the parties involved to dispute and resolve the issues. Your fraud specialist will assist you throughout the fraud resolution process and will provide you with confirmation of your return to pre-identity theft status and will provide post-recovery follow-up for 12 months.

Up to $25,000 Identity Theft Reimbursement Coverage2

To cover expenses associated with restoring your identity, such as reimbursement for costs associated with attorney fees, costs for daycare and elder care, certified mail and notarized fraud documents, travel, and more.

Apply for an Aspire® Protect Credit Card Today!

*Prequalify means that you authorize us to make a soft inquiry into your credit history (that will not affect your credit) to create an offer. If you accept an offer a hard inquiry will be made. Final approval is not guaranteed if you do not meet all applicable criteria {including adequate proof of ability to repay}. Income verification through access to your bank account information may be required.

FREE CREDIT SCORE: Your credit score will be available in your online account 60 days after your account is opened. (Registration required) The free VantageScore 4.0 credit score provided by TransUnion® is for educational purposes only and may not be used by The Bank of Missouri (the issuer of this card) or other creditors to make credit decisions. | FRAUD LIABILITY: Fraud liability subject to Mastercard® rules.

1Benefits are available to primary card holder subject to the terms and conditions for the applicable benefits.

2Important Program Notes: The descriptions of protection-related Benefits provided here are summaries only and do not include all the terms, conditions and exclusions of each Benefit. Please refer to the appropriate Guide to Benefits for complete details of coverage (and any relevant exclusions) of each Benefit. All Benefits are provided through Econocheck Corporation. These Benefits are not bank products, are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any Federal Government Agency, are not a deposit and are not guaranteed by the bank or any bank affiliate. Econocheck is an independent third-party benefit administrator and is solely responsible for the provision and administration of all protection-related Benefits for the Aspire® Protect Credit Card. The bank and Econocheck reserve the right to add to, subtract from or otherwise change the protection-related Benefits of the Aspire® Protect Credit Card at any time and from time to time. We will notify you, in advance if possible, of any change in Benefits.

The Aspire® Protect Card will be offered only in English at this time.